Third Visit, Blanca

Visit 3, took place at Blanca´s home, this time in Caversham.
She is a psychologist and has been living in England for a few years. She is part of the Spanish community in Reading. I'm not Spanish but I feel part of the community too because I lived there many years.
She is part of the group of friends of a very good friend of mine from there. The same as Nacho and Soraya. (visit 01 and 02)
¿ Have I told you that the very same project iI started in Spain began thanks to friends´s help?
Blanca and Nacho made changes of clothes. For Blanca seems a good idea to tell a story in her portraits. So I did. So we recreate situations. At the end of the fourth pose, we were both very tired after a long day. So after the break her boyfriend join us for a final pose.